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Norse War Axe


This is a serious, hefty, sturdy hand axe, the largest and heaviest that we carry.  The very broad edge is longer than most modern axes.  This axe can hold up to the heaviest punishment and the toughest camp chores, and throws beautifully with a nice long edge and lots of penetrating ability.  Made from tough 410 stainless steel with a HRC of 38-45.

If you're using this axe for throwing, you should pick up some spare handles. The replacement handle for this axe is the teardrop style. Axe comes sharpened.

Here are the measurements for this axe:

Axe Length: 18 inches

Axe Edge Length: 6 inches

Axe Head Width: 6 inches

Axe Head Thickness: 1.25 inches

Axe Weight: 31 ounces

Handle Circumference: 3.25 inches